elf movie script

I've been under a lot of stress at work. ...snuck into your sack at the orphanage. He shows her a pine tree decorated for Christmas. I gotta go, okay? I bet he's a genius. See, Buddy? But not really. Right. -- Two guys are handing out different flyers. ELF #4. We see the sign has been awkwardly changed to 'Welcome, Santa. And then I walked through the Lincoln tunnel. Buddy is on the living room couch. This delights Buddy, who now repeats the ri. Maybe we can get a ladder. Walter cannot yet deal with this reality. Buddy can't speak. No, I want to take a thirty-thousand dollar bath, so some kid understands what happened to a friggin' Puppy and a Pigeon. Elves everywhere are testing toys. This much. I don't belong anywhere. People are going back to work. Just let me wet my whistle. Buddy smiles at Walter, Walter does not smile back. There's a horrible sound coming from the evil box by the window! He exits to the sight of the towering skyline of New York City with the sun breaking over it. The ENTERTAINMENT CENTER has been completely dismantled to provide wood for the rocking horse. There's one idea I'm especially psyched about. You think I'm a joke? Chrome helmets sit atop faces shrouded in shadow. He flies off-screen. What is that, some kind of thing you do? Walter fills a plate. GIMBELS - 9TH FLOOR SANTA LAND - LATER. Papa Elf puts a snow globe in front of Buddy showing the Empire State Building with a sign NEW YORK CITY. The workers begin to notice Walter standing. And no human could ever do this work. The door finally creeks open, revealing a funny wide shot of him squeezed into this box of a room. It's a smash hit. I'm sick of being extraordinary! My favorite book of yours has to be Gus' Pickles. THE PHONE RINGS, Buddy beats Walter to it. And now suddenly BURPS so loud and long, it's insane. I'll put in a good word with the big man. Did you just say Susan Welles? ROCKEFELLER CENTER. Like a stray cat, Buddy dodges through traffic. Walter walks into the kitchen, flabbergasted. They gave me a restraining order. The Rocking Crib. every last word. The sleigh slowly hovers forward a foot off the ground, in a herky-jerky way. Yum!Buddy picks it up, plays with it, then pops it in his mouth and chews with A smile. Buddy trudges through a massive snow field. It's not free candy. It may help him feel like he's a part of your life. Back to work! -- Buddy looks up at awe at the animated billboard on the Lehman Building. Buddy has prepared a huge batch of spaghetti. This film has turned into a legitimate Christmas classic over the years, and it still has a ton of charm to it. Back in the 2000s, Elf burst onto the scene and quickly won the hearts of people everywhere. A Jack in the Box rattles by Buddy, POPPING OPEN. Hey? He turns to find a stone cold killer glare. We have to get the cameras back on! Elf is like any other Fool Triumphant story. The ELF TEACHER is pointing to the black board where "THE CODE OF ELVES" is written. Uhh! Snow flickers! Buddy holds his crotch, confused and frightened. Son of a cobbler! Of course you can. I need to swing by my apartment real quick...they're delivering a chair. Oh, it was awful. And it's long over due... Papa Elf looks into Buddy's beautifully innocent eyes. Buddy runs and runs. Walter is facing away from the park, in the sky behind him is the diving sled. BACK ON BUDDY, queasy. Still sporting heads. Behind him, Buddy does a commando roll through the aisle. Super 8 home movie of Papa Elf holding a two-year old baby that is almost as big as he is. Listen, Buddy, have you ever seen a mail room before? I'm one bad pitch away from getting fired. Let's just get this solved. ELF #3. I'm sorry. I've got a bunch of stuff to go over. Not just a skateboard, a Real Huf Board with high 145 Thunder Trucks. Silence. Who do they think puts all their toys under the tree? His voice echoes. Well there's some things you should know: first off, if you see gum on the street, leave it there. But it's dangerous having an oven in an oak during dry season... We hear a yelp and now a siren rings and then the TREE BURSTS INTO FLAMES, ELVES SCURRYING OUT. No human being has ever set... set foot in Santa's workshop. Imposter! - here comes BUDDY! It's not just a toy. I was walking along, and I saw a huge flash, and then something came swooping down... Something? Then sprinkles it with candy snow caps. The FINALE: Buddy attempts to put a star on top of the semi-tall Elf Christmas tree. Hey, these elves are getting pretty thirsty. We'll do this some other time, Mr. Greenway. A rejection now could be especially traumatic. 'Santa' struts past Buddy and takes his chair. Stan Tobias wants a powerpumper water rifle. Walter and Michael stop at a smoking object in the snow. Yelling voices, loud machinery and blaring hip-hop fill the place. It's the profession that every elf Aspires to. Santa must've called you. I may be "little," but I get more action in a week than you've had your whole life. The real life Elf and Workshop of the drawing we have just seen. We're just going to make you feel so comfortable. ELF FILM MOVIE SCRIPT SCREENPLAY WITH SIGNATURES AUTOGRAPH REPRINT A unique gift for any film lover!! The kids all pile on, wrestling Santa, loving it. Papa Elf looks up from his work, surprised. INT. At that time, I'd love to hear, in great detail, exactly what your plans are for this new book. I don't belong here. Santa jumps out from under the hood clutching a TIRE IRON. And great Grandpapa before ye. INT. We see an assembly line of elves making Etch-a-sketches with wooden hammers. Well, I'm a human, technically. I can prove he's real. Walter is walking along the sidewalk with his brief case. The kids cheer. Went to New York, ate spaghetti, worked in a shiny mail room and eventually saved Christmas. Let’s see which parts of Elf were improvised! He SCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORES! And just like that, father and son hunker down and tinker together. Shiny things?? We spoke on the phone. So, I think I speak for my fellow board members when I say... Walter smiles, then re-checks his storyboards, beaming. I'M HERE WITH MY DAD. Jovie KICKS BUDDY in the NUTS and escapes. A biological Papa. Although we're still unclear about what led to this holiday rally, hundreds of New Yorkers have spontaneously gathered together and broken out into song. If I were you, I'd stay away from perishable goods. Lemme see. FOUR BLACK MARES breathe steam into the night air. Especially in front of other people. The exterior of a tree, we hear cooking going on inside. And how she had later passed away. Thanks, you too. Buddy?! PROP NOTE: Del Close's skull sits on a shelf in the B.G. He may be very small, but in this business, he is a monster. Vacation's over! I need you to give Walter your hat and coat. The three writers: EUGENE, HUSKEY and MORRIS sit around a table with Walter. Buddy pulls Walter aside. Nervous hand wringing. A GLOW emanates from the hand-rubbed, red-lacquered wood chassis, illuminating the entire room. I bet your dad would be so happy to see you, he'd hug you and never let go. Buddy finishes this off with a wicked slap-shot. You may be a little...how do you say... chemically imbalanced. Will you fix the engine for me, Buddy? YOINK! Charlotte? Buddy jumps in. Everything's fine! He'll trash the place. A curious Christmas Eve, to say the least. Elf stars Will Ferrell and Zooey Deschanel were joined John Lithgow, Wanda Sykes, Ed Helms and others filling in various roles during a live script read of the movie … Yes, Buddy was raised by me, his adopted father. You make my tongue swell up. 'Elf' Movie Scenes Quiz. Papa Elf steps forward, trying to hide the fact that he's tearing up. Kids start to notice and begin laughing, Michael can't bare it. So he kisses the top of her hair...and now leaves. He dips a quill pen in to some ink and writes in PERFECT CALLIGRAPHY. Buddy notices his dad and smiles. Little Elf jocks land, and then a HUGE ONE, proportionately the size of a large serving tray. Buddy sees a display of sexy nighties with a sign over it: For that special someone! Do what you want, I ain't singing a damn thing. Well, you signed off on all the final plates and... You know what? Now his face suddenly changes. I'm the worst toy maker in the whole world! Buddy perks up, training his ear, he slowly rises to his feet, as if following a butterfly, he meanders through the deserted aisles, more and more hypnotized as the angelic singing gets louder and louder and clearer and more beautiful. The book was called 'Elf'. A Christmas book entitled "ELF" sits on a table, a drawing of 6'2" BUDDY THE ELF (the guy we've seen from all the trailers and posters) is on the cover. Oh, it's easy! The clerk looks around, then, mildly curious, sprays it i n like Binacca. Walter, I can't do this if he's going to keep moving around. THREE BAGS of spaghetti have each person's name written in calligraphy. I need you. You see, Buddy, your father... Well he's on the naughty list. It's one of those ideas where you're just like YES! They get mixed up about what's important in life. Buddy sits on the examining table as Walter watches. But you've been right about a lot of things. Ohhh, thank you, Buddy. It's the profession every Elf aspires to. Wait. Boy am I glad to see you. A VOICE BOOMS OUT from a mysterious silhouette into the magical winter night... Santa's sleigh whips down Sixth Ave. and into the Manhattan night sky. Try to sit still. Contemplating the worst of all possible conclusions. Walter argues with Emily in hushed tones. The family watches, amazed. And I'll always be here for you. I dreamt I wasn't an Elf at all. Walking to work, Walter answers his cell phone. I love that purple dress. What do we do, Santa? It's purplie. PAPA ELF'S WORKSHOP - NORTH POLE - DAY. Its got some of the funny bits from the film! Bye Flade! Buddy and Jovie are skating, having fun. He's doing a book signing. I take back everything I said. Hey, I feel bad for the guy. How are we looking?? I've planned our whole day... First we make snow angels for two hours, then we go ice-skating and then we eat a log of toll house cookie dough as fast as we can and then, to wrap up the day, we snuggle. THERE'S ROOM FOR EVERYONE ON THE NICE LIST! This one's obviously gotten sloppy. Ho ho ho! Just reach out and take a sip. But that's not why we're here. It scrapes the ceiling as they wedge it in place. Walter sits down at his scattered desk. Smoke and sparks billow out. It's Buddy. Bye Choo-choo! That was quick thinking. Buddy's not skipping, he's SKIPPING. As you can see, quite a crowd is starting to gather. Papa winces. Michael ignores him. If there's one word that can be used … We can't just kick him out in the snow. Walter adjusts in his seat. Supervisor Elf looks around to the other Elves for back up. Have you seen the numbers from this quarter? Five Christmas play scripts for just $15, each is usually priced at $4.75.For individual previews check out the links below, the preview here is an example of the Elf Play Script.The first play script is a funny play based on the Will Ferrell movie - Elf. This one stings hard. He trips and falls on his face like an idiot. No, but it worked out pretty good. PEOPLE ARE HERE AND I'M IN A STORE!! Meanwhile, Michael, their son, has arrived. I was standing over there and I thought you looked pretty so I came over to tell you that you look pretty. Picture this: A--. Except here it smells like mushrooms and everyone wants to hurt me. I love you, Buddy. Even better than Santa! When an OFF-SCREEN COOING is heard. So many things to say, but no place to begin. The story makes no sense. Keep working on the engine! Alright, smiley, sweep the tin foil off this path. They find themselves blocked by a giant FOUNTAIN with the Rangers close behind. Ow! The female reporter steps over to a Latino man, who holds his 5-year old son in his arms. He holds up the picture he included in the gift. And if you see a sign for a Peep show, it doesn't mean they're letting you look at presents before Christmas. Our nimble fingers, natural cheer and active minds are perfect for toy building. But now starts crying again. A PERFUME CLERK approaches. It's GI-NORMOUS!!! I'm Walter. Back to: movie_scripts. Buddy REACHES OUT TO HOLD HANDS, but Walter's hands stay in his trench coat...Buddy is still holding his hand out. BAM! Walter does some paperwork, then hits the intercom. The heat makes noise when it comes on. I don't need to know. Newhart also explains how he knew elf would be an instant hit and naturally provides hilarious insight as to who should play him should a biopic ever be made. And some of the bins are shiny. I don't care if you're an elf!! I love that you came and I love you Dad! The whole mailroom is now singing a beautiful rendition of THE TWELVE DAYS OF CHRISTMAS. Walter, Michael, Buddy, Emily and Jovie sit happily gathered around their Christmas tree. Buddy stops at the edge of an escalator, afraid to get on, like a kid at the edge of a diving board. The room spins. He's bunkered in! I got a full forty minutes and still had time to build a rocking horse. I just don't sing. You really were just listening to me, weren't you? In fact, no human has ever set foot in Santa's workshop. I'm sorry if I made you mad. We'll eat sugar plums, and make ginger bread houses, and paint eggs! Well, there's a lot of things about us that people don't know. You're only 915 off pace. . That's not true, you have lots of talents. Fiddlesticks! To get this company back on track. Hug him. the entirety of the elf movie script. All he cares about is the money. Buddy rubs his chin and stands to face his father. Sorry...my back's out of line again. Will Ferrell and Zooey Deschanel did an 'Elf' script reading to raise funds for the Democratic Party of Georgia. He loves the snow! If I squint, he looks like a pirate flag. There's something I've got to tell you guys! But now the belly of the coach nails the winged statue atop the fountain, yanking the whole engine back out of the sleigh. Some call it "the show" or the "big dance". He looks around the empty house. Okay, listen. Gee whiz, we're all laughing our butts off. So, where exactly have you been for the last thirty years? I suppose parents eat them too? Hey! The Doctor gives Buddy's finger a tiny prick. Oh, don't worry about it Buddy. Walter started his own independent publishing company. Steam. The elves cheer and get back to work. I should call the police. Sensing this, Walter slowly turns around. I didn't set out any syrup. - the GUARDS from the Empire State Building are singing. Hey, Francisco! I WAS ADOPTED AND YOU DIDN'T KNOW I WAS BORN. Francisco! Buddy uses a drill to secure the trunk to the floor. He's your son. You've never walked me anywhere. Washing his face in the tiny sink. Felonies are fun now? Script Synopsis: When young Buddy falls into Santa's gift sack on Christmas Eve, he's transported back to the North Pole and raised as a toy-making elf by Santa's helpers. That's exactly where I came from. I surrender! He's never been anywhere. Man, what in the hell are you doing fartin' around on the first floor? Buddy's hear fills his whole chest. He presses the buzzer BRRR!!!! They... they tried using gnomes And trolls. I'd like a black S-500 to receive me at the airport. We see an Elfish hand applying white out to Walter's name on the List. Get your butt back up to the ninth floor before I put my foot up your green ass. Eventually he can't help himself and belts out the chorus. I've got houses in LA, Hawaii, Vail and Paris, with a seventy inch plasma screen in each one of them. Then suddenly eats it. Fulton tosses 'THE PUPPY AND THE PIGEON (the flawed book from earlier) onto Walter's desk. The sleigh SHUDDERS and RISES, then falls to the ground. He pours himself a shot of milk in a snow-flake shot glass and downs it. IT features a breaking NEWS STORY set in CENTRAL PARK. Buddy the Elf! I was wondering if I'd ever see you again. I just said, it's a nice night, I mean really! You're my son and I love you. If you can't stand the heat, move to Canada. Some have accused them of being too "gung ho" when called into duty. Walter is looking at an OLD YEAR BOOK. A re-print? More COOING. She gives him a shy wave. I think he's mad at me...but he won't be after THIS. Congratulations! Well, you haven't exactly been there for him lately. He's understanding sarcasm. You will not be disappointed. Carolyn Reynolds wants a Suzie-Talks-A-Lot... Carolyn, the girl from the Doctor's office, at home watching on TV. Buddy walks up to the buzzer panel until he finds the name Jovie Davis. Their day is over. Uh-oh. It's okay, Buddy. Can you fly in tomorrow morning? Touch it? We intercut Buddy at home, he's shocked by the technology. Unsure of what may happen, he pushes 67. Walter and Michael are walking fast, searching, half-jogging. I-I'll bet you didn't know that about elves. What's your name? I'm confident, sir. elf entire 2003 movie script reprint written by david berenbaum directed by jon favreau produced by jon berg, todd komarnicki & shauna robertson reprinted signatures: will ferrell, bob newhart, ed asner, james caan, zooey deschanel, mary steenburgen, faizon love, jon favreau, peter billingsley Buddy picks up his hat, dusts it off, then looks across the street and sees New York's version of ELF MECCA, EXT. He busts his father. Buddy dumps more spaghetti on her plate. The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear... Walter, standing watch, sees the MOUNTED POLICE CHARGING. INT. I'm so happy! Well, I gotta run. Get busy. We decided it was best to let you think you were one of us. "Brumbly the Elf" is a standalone comedic monologue, meaning it's not excerpted from a longer play or film. You're six-three and had a beard when you were fifteen. Santa complies and Walter dons the over-sized ensemble. And you re the only baritone in the Jinglesingers! You can't expect a bake sale to make solid cash these days. Papa says my real father is living in a magical place far away. She is confused but intrigued by this mysterious stranger. You're not like the rest of us. Buddy slides the curtain open to reveal: a MAN dressed as Santa. Buddy skips past the security guards with a box. Well, we don't have much time. Walter immediately loses blood in his face. It slowly reveals itself to be SANTA'S SLEIGH! I read it. It wasn't like that. Finally, the The Spiderwick Chronicles script is here for all you fans of the Freddie Highmore movie. I'm gonna come in a little short on my quota today. We gotta move! But the third job... uh, some call It, uh. I like tubes and cannisters and numbers. 52 millimeter Spitfire Classic Wheels and bolts from Diamond and some Swiss Bearings. Walter glances over, then stops in his tracks. Buddy, risking his life, working on the engine at high speed. Like lightning, he presses ALL 75 BUTTONS. Well I can't stay home. Are you kidding? Post game, Buddy's in the locker room. Buddy is curled up in the faux snow, asleep -- mouth open and drooling, sweaty from the sun. The elves all look at each other. We better get out of here. GIMBELS DEPARTMENT STORE - CONTINUOUS. Everyone looks at him like he's...well, Elf. The Pigeon and the Friggin' Puppy is tanking hard, Hobbs. Buddy comes up to visit from time to time. Go anywhere! Well, Jim. And silhouettes against the moon. I'm sorry. Buddy is finishing his decorating. Grab the shot gun under the seat and give 'em some heat! The elves step back, preparing for the inevitable: Buddy panics, wiggles his leg and pulls the tree over on top of him, falling into the fire place and engulfing in flames. Tell me, what did you see? Buddy acts like it's a cartoon. The sleigh starts to lumber forward. He whispers a PLAN to Walter and Michael. A silver eagle badge reads CENTRAL PARK RANGERS. It won't hurt so much after a little. The CAMERA whips by a crowd of bustling elves building dolls, toy horses, action figures, squirt guns...everything. That means it's our problem. The 'ELF' book from the beginning of the movie is Buddy's. See how low the Claus-o-meter is? To all of you! I'm just curious. Me and Dad are gonna go ice-skating and eat sugarplums! It'll be fun to have you in the loop. Write your screenplay and focus on the story with many helpful features. Jovie sits blind-folded at the counter as Buddy sets up a cup of coffee before her. We pan finally to Buddy as an ELF SUPERVISOR APPROACHES. So? Buddy closes his eyes tight, then looks up, a tear streams down his cheek. -- A sign at a crappy diner "World's Best Cup of Coffee!" PEANUT BRITTLE! Santa LOOKS UP and sees the empty crib. And before we learn how to build the latest in extreme graphic chipset processors, let's recite the Code of the Elves, shall we? I'm in love! You two believe in me. TWO SECURITY GUARDS have each of Buddy's arms and are frog-walking him out the front doors and onto the sidewalk. Finally he snaps out of it and looks at Buddy. Yes I am! Several elves start CHANTING for a speech. We fade from the logo to a cerulean blue gradient backdrop with the few opening credits fading in and out as few snowflakes blow across the screen. An exact replay of those rapid-fire shots of Buddy slamming his head into doorways, beams, cabinets. Trying to think of a plan. check it i dare you.i am right I know a pig who can run eleven miles an hour. Get listed in the most prominent screenplays collection on the web! The place is packed. I bought that door. Walter swings open the door to the apartment to reveal: BUDDY HAS BEEN BUSY. The cleaning man just found this! DAMMIT BUDDY! Buddy sees the back of Santa enter a closed off gazebo. He's getting detached and cynical. Really. He jumps up and gives her a big hug. No it doesn't. You said you wanted to make me happy, didn't you? We see only the shoes of the infamous Miles Finch march through the company, echoing throughout the halls. Walter and the writers sit in silence, waiting. I'm now told we have some amateur footage of a strange man dressed as an Elf. Where did you get the wood? The man is wearing tights. PAPA ELF, 540 years old or roughly 55 in human years, is surrounded by scores of strange and specific tools and some scattered half-built toys. Muffled like Dustin Hoffman in THE GRADUATE. Pulling back a tree branch to reveal: Santa's GROUNDED SLEIGH and nine grazing reindeer. Well, I can sing. Susan Welles?! Oh, no, I'm just smiling. Buddy shoves the doctor over and stumbles around holding his finger and crying. Miles suddenly ATTACKS! Sone of a Nutcracker! Then lose the tights...as soon as possible. These guy are bad news. Uh, there are only three jobs available to an elf. I'm not a human, am I Papa? From a distance. The crowd offers scattered boos. Santa's going to be here tomorrow. Elf (2003) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. Listen, Buddy, some people. As the shadow of the sleigh zips high over them, the whole crowd joins in, singing their hearts out. Wrapping paper everywhere. He points to his name in calligraphy on a THICK LEATHER-BOUND BOOK. PEDIATRICIAN'S OFFICE - AN HOUR LATER. Walter hangs up. The actress then shared a surprising fact about the movie's script. Buddy starts skipping across the street toward Gimbels when --. This isn't a stunt. That's hot right now. I don't know what you're so worked up about. I'm going to perform something called a 'finger prick.'. Boot straps! Oh, um, alright. Seriously Walter! It's just you have another Papa, too. Believe me, after a few years of this, you'll learn to tune it all out. Michael is frozen with shock as a HUGE KID winds up and releases a snowball right at him. Clearly tearing up now, Buddy sets his tiny wooden hammer to the side and reveals a box of his toys. Jovie looks at him, his innocence is contagious. Yeah, I just got off my cell with him. So I hear you're going on a little journey to the big city? These forces are highly trained, but rarely see action. If she says yes, you're in. Smiling is my favorite. That should help. Yeah, it seemed like he may need some 'Daddy time.'. You changed the batteries in the fire alarm! Walter checks his watch. AAHHHH!!! If you can sing by yourself, you can sing anytime, there's no difference. I don't care if you're my son!!! They both sit panting. How do you think I feel? Oh, no. We push in on the book and it magically flips open to the first page: a drawing of small Papa Elf in his wonderful work shop. ELF. Santa howls in approval. Walter unwraps the gift, then holds up a RED SLINKY NIGHTIE with fur where the nipples would be. Download the Elf screenplay here for personal, private use.. Will Ferrell was ubiquitous in the top box officer-earners of the 2000s, with his 26 projects of the decade grossing over a billion dollars. 2003’s Elf accounted for $173,398,518 of that total.. You're going to sit in that chair and pitch me a hit friggin' book! Charles Dickens! Please. I'm an Elf. Buddy vows to visit Manhattan and find his real dad, a workaholic publisher. We see the gauge go forward a bit. A ROUGH-LOOKING BIKER, 35, in a bar. Buddy corners the raccoon, trapping it. This is incredible. Get through? I can't wait! And play catch. He's now clearly in the real world. It's a regular chair. DRAFT: NO DRAFT DATE. Walter and Michael share a disgusted look, the first time they've been in agreement on anything in a while. No one is smiling, except for. She bumps him back harder. The book was called 'Elf'. Want to sing and pick snow berries? The NAUGHTY LIST, landing on "Walter Hobbs.". ECU: The PUPPY AND THE PIGEON book is in Walter's hands. That's weird. It is perfect for auditioning for holiday acting roles or just entertaining friends, and the role can be played by anyone—men, women, and children. I'm sure we can put something very solid together. The ELEVATOR DOOR DINGS open to reveal Walter & Buddy. We can't see Buddy, but we can see the snowballs shooting out of his bunker like a machine gun. They leave the toy section and walk toward the SANTA LAND that Buddy built. The elves stare in awe at the strange visitor. It's rare, but there have been documented cases of people like your son. I'm sorry. Walter is watching this display. Jovie can't believe it. THE ELF CHOIR PHOTO: Only Buddy's waist is visible, he's cropped out. ELF #1. Buddy walks right behind the man and offers it to him to be helpful. This is totally shocking. STANDS4 LLC, 2021. Buddy is amazed. Buddy is caught up in the rhythms of the street and begins noticing the mundane details of this new world with amazement: traffic lights. You didn't tell me you had Elvises working here! What if you let him visit you? Unable to shake the feeling that he doesn't fit in, the adult Buddy travels to New York, in full elf uniform, in search of his real father. I think someone sent you a Christmas-gram. ELF #5. Emily is floored. What do you want, money?! I'm the one who ran the focus groups. This isn't happening. GREENWAY PRESS - EMPIRE STATE BUILDING - MEANWHILE. I feel confused and sweaty! And so, with a little help, Buddy managed to save Christmas. Now a barrage of snowballs rain down upon them and they dive behind a fallen tree trunk as snow missiles rip into the barricade. Okay, okay! Buddy the Elf, here for a Mr. Walter Hobbs, please. Buddy wakes up from his sleep to find himself in Papa's workshop. The North Pole. Buddy looks at his own fist in horror. A fictional story about an adopted Elf named Buddy who was raised in the North Pole. Can you pass the Coke pretty please? FULTON GREENWAY, the cut-throat looking owner of the company enters the office. Ow...jeez...yikes...golly...charles dickens! Buddy and Michael sit in silence. He takes command. See? Except for me. Too vulnerable. It's the old photo of a young Walter next to his smiling girlfriend - on the other side is a crayon drawing of Buddy. They're real. Buddy runs, hits the trampoline, launches himself way off target, shooting a sharp angle into the nearest wall. So it's clean for each patient that comes in. We've got neighbors and people around here, you know? Interestingly, some of the movies best parts weren’t even in the script! I'm sorry, papa. Jovie, in real Elf clothes, sets a pitcher of milk in front of Papa Elf. 15 characters Kid-friendly script Super engaging Great for all ability levels- some roles are harder than others Great for teaching figurative language, plot, predictions, bold print, and many other comprehension strategies and skills. Buddy pulls some syrup out of his breast pocket and pours it over his spaghetti.

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