pet attack focus macro

petdefensive - Pet will only attack when attacked. PET ATTACK /petattack. ), sends your pet back to attack your focus target. SELF CASTING MACRO. This macro causes you to stop casting those 10 second long pet summons or 3 second long shadow bolts in favor of your Warlock conjured Healthstone. Useful for when you suddenly drop to low HP. petpassive - Sets your pet to do nothing, even if attacked. /cast [@Focus] Between the Eyes #showtooltip Gouge /cast [@Focus] Gouge #showtooltip Kick /cast [@Focus] Kick #showtooltip Gouge /stopattack /cast Gouge /stopattack #showtooltip /cast [target=mouseover,help,nodead][] Tricks of the Trade - Mouseover tricks macro #showtooltip Cheap Shot /cast [@focus, nodead] Cheap Shot /cast [target=party1] Tricks of the Trade - Tricks macro make sure … Party Leader Misdirection Macro. If I remove /petattack, my pet keeps attacking my 1st target whole time, even if its immune until adds are killed (1st boss throne of the tides). I would like to set up the hunter’s mark/pet attack macro to involve two pushes of the button allowing me to mark the nearest target on the first press of the button and send my pet … I am not sure why it no longer works. Hello I want a single macro/button that will use spell lock or seduction depending on the active pet and also if I press shift I want to cast it on the focus target. 1.1.3. I have taken out the setting of the party member as a focus and replaced it with my pet attacking the assist target that I have gotten. + = Create Soul Stone, use Soul Stone see Key #+ Macro - = Warlock Pet Cast, See “Warlock pet cast pet information” and Pet attack Macro 9 = Life Tap / Dark Pact / see Key #9 Macro 8 = Mount see Key #8 Macro 7 = Create Healthstone / Use Healthstone see Key #7 Macro 6 = Hellfire, Rain of Fire see Key #6 Macro Unshifted = attack, prefer mouseover Shifted = heal, prefer mouseover Ctrl = Forms/items a sample, putting all that together: #showtooltip /use [mod:ctrl]Cat Form;[mod:shift,target=mouseover,help,nodead][mod:shift]Regrowth;[target=mouseover,harm,nodead][]Starfire . #showtooltip /cast [target=Focus] Growl /petattack [@focus] /cast Dash To post a comment, you must login or register. 26774 views; 42 up votes; All in one call pet macro. Note that each level of Healthstone has a different name (Minor), (Lesser), (Greater), etc., so the /use command should be updated appropriately as you level. /focus arena1. Addons can provide you with information that assists you with making decisions in an arena match. view. I’m going to set it up with just alt but if you want it the other way change the modifier to ctrlalt. Reply to this topic; Start new topic; Recommended Posts. Hey lazy people of Nostalrius i made a thing: # ClassicMacros Bringing retail macro commands to classic WoW. Obviously you can modify this to your own liking. PHPROmega 1 PHPROmega 1 Peon; Members 1 1 post; Report post; Posted August 15, 2018. Posted: (1 days ago) This macro is great for keeping players in combat as growl has a 30 yard range. This will also send your pet to attack your focus target's target, CAST SEQUENCE MACRO. Feed your Pet (Code, 1 line) x= slot from your Pet 2. call and remove your Pet faster (Code, 1 line) x= slot from your… Look over there! Click : set the mark, cast your pet's speed boost, send in pet ; Alt-click : abort your pet's attack in case you mark the wrong mob, or are conducting a pet pull ; #showtooltip /petattack /cast Hunter's Mark /cast Dash /cast Dive /cast Charge /cast Warp /petfollow [mod:alt] Stings. petattack - Sets your pet to attack the current target. #showtooltip Misdirection/cast [target=party1] Misdirection Spirit Mend heal Mouseover Macro #showtooltip /cast [@mouseover] [pet:Spirit Beast] Spirit Mend Spell & Pet Attack Macro. This will change your target. Macro For casting Fear on mouseover target, if no mouseover target exists then Fear the selected target Macro for Self Devour with the Felhunter Macro for automatic pet attack when casting Immolate on target, (or any other spell) Macro to automatically stop Wand attacks when casting drain soul. Show Printable Version; Email this Page… 2011-07-02, 02:41 AM #1. PET PASSIVE / PET COMEBACK /petpassive. Be sure to set your focus on the person you are draining. In this case if no unit is found, the macro will attempt to find a nearby unit named xyz. But after clearing pack of trash, my pet charges to other pack (yes, pet is on defensive) which i didnt even target and therefore ninjapulling. Pets gain innate dual wield at level 39 (based on forum reports, needs confirming). When 3.1 comes around and I dual-spec resto, I expect I’ll just change this in my Resto form so that … Feign Death/Drink – Stops your pet from attacking, Feigns Death, Drinks Star’s Tears (Or whatever other Beverage you wish to drink, just be sure to type in the drink’s name. Set the focus to your pet's old target. Im using /petattack macroed with AS with Bm spec for 5mans. Other DPS classes put out way more overall pressure (any of the melee classes and pretty much any of the ranged classes as well). The anti-Shaman macro, spam it and your pet will go insane killing the listed totems without deselecting your current target, if no totems exist, your pet will attack your current target. alt by itself or alt with ctrl? Send the pet to attack the focus. Arena macros make gameplay feel more fluid and make it easier to make quick decisions. Alternatively, you can remove the /petattack line and use a separate Macro to engage the pet’s tareget again. You can use this macro to force your pet to run after your focus target while also keeping them in combat at range. For instance, check out all of the pet commands available for macros. #showtooltip /cast [target=yourname] Spell Name. Pet Attack Macros. If you have a pet you have to take care of it. 2. Focus Pet Attack Growl - Skill Capped. PET MOVE /petmoveto. These two steps will allow us to mash a single macro and have the pet go back and forth between two targets. If you want to get into writing your own macros, a good resource is the macro commands and macro conditionals pages on Wowpedia. #showtooltip /cast [mod:alt,@focus,exists,dead] [mod:ctrl] Command Demon /petattack [nomod,@mouseover,harm,nodead] [nomod] Let’s face it, as hunters our main job in pvp isn’t to DPS. Thread Tools. Looking for some macro’s, memory is gone on how to do it, please help. Dual Wielding . If you don't want your macro to fail but there is no usable default, use the following method: /cast [@, exists] spellname. /use[@mouseover,help,nodead][@focus,help,nodead]Misdirection . Just push button & target click (if using trap launcher), and it will drop trap. view. petcast - Your pet will cast the spell given. How do i avoid that? Azortharion recommends the following: --Because the in-game "auto-cast" system for Hunter pets is very slow, it is recommended to put these 3 lines into macros for all of your offensive … » Interface & Macros » Pet attack + Kill command; Thread: Pet attack + Kill command. Ideally I would not prefer to change target to the focus one and then revert back to my initial one. #showtooltip /use 13 Lower Trinket Macro #showtooltip Spell1 /castsequence reset=10 Spell1, spell2, spell3, spell4. Can be modified to clear focus when used or can be made so that focus is kept so pet can be juggled between 2 targets in combat. In this section of the guide, we will cover every useful macro for Windwalker Monks in PvP, including focus macros. Deleted. This macro will cast Misdirection on Party Leader. The top macro will interrupt your Focus target if available, or otherwise interrupt your target. Misdirect your focus, your target, or your pet macro. Now your pet will attack your tank's target or if there is no TANK your pet will attack your target. Casts snake, ice, and explosive traps in that order. 26411 views; 4 up votes; Trap Cast Sequence Macro macro. /petattack [mod:alt, @mouseover][] Upper Trinket Macro. (Tip: if no totems exist, you can use this to set your pet on someone without setting them as your focus target, if you are using the /petattack /focus macro. I suggest setting your focus target manually, just in case your focus target is targetting something that the macro can set as a focus target. lower delay item will replace one with a higher delay). No matter the expansion when you play as a hunter, a macro to force your pet to switch to the enemy you’re currently targeting is always a good idea. Beast mastery and survival hunters should tie their attack command to their Kill Command command. This is an all-in-one macro to control your pet for the arena hunter. Since this is designed for arena, it’s best to have your pets specced Cunning, meaning your pets can cast Bullheaded. In classic, pets must be given two 1H weapons in order to dual wield. /petattack [@pettarget,noexists] /petfollow Now playing a Warlock, if I use it to send my pet in to attack, my pet runs about halfway then comes right back to me. petname - Sets your pet name. MOUSEOVER MACRO. Put the most important totem last. Pet Attack Macro. Without pressing any key modifier, this macro will command your pet to attack your current target. This will change your target since it does not utilize focus. Available Priest macros Silence with focus modifier Psychic Horror with focus modifier Shadow emergency peel macro Penance self Shadow Word Death target & targets target Castsequence macro for buffs Fear Ward Fear Ward target or Pet Shadowfiend attack and dispel macro Shackle Gargoyle Dispersion and Out in One Button Power Infusion Spam Mass Dispel without… Probably the simplest macro that will elevate your gameplay is the focus macro. petfollow - Pet will follow you. petstay - Pet stays at current location. Focus a Target out of combat, then attack in combat . Pet attack totems Arena macro for targeting shaman totems are highest importance then sending a pet to attack it. This macro will set a focus on your target outside of combat and when in combat will command your pet to either assist the focussed target if it is friendly or attack the focussed target if it is hostile. The bottom macro will let you easily Focus target whatever you are holding your mouse over. This macro sets Hunter's Mark and controls your pet's attack. IT'S IMPORTANT FOR BM HUNTERS TO USE THIS MACRO FOR EVERY OFFENSIVE SPELL. A pet's attack delay is not affected by the delay on a given weapon. This macro will let you use your upper slot trinket. 1 Key 2 Developer Notes 3 Command List 3.1 PvP commands 3.1.1 Arena 3.1.2 Battlegrounds 3.2 Blizzard Interface commands 3.3 Chat commands 3.4 Character commands 3.5 Emotes 3.6 Combat commands 3.7 Guild commands 3.8 Party and Raid commands 3.9 Pet commands 3.10 System commands 3.11 Targeting functions 3.11.1 Disabled commands 4 Metacommands 5 See Also 6 External links This Macro … Easier Macros (focus, stopcasting, etc...) by Rhena » Tue May 19, 2015 12:21 pm . Guides. The auto-cast system in the game is super slow on pets and you might miss out make sure to use this macro. While pressing the alt modifier, this macro will command your pet to attack your mouseover target. Using these two macros together will let you be extremely flexible when it comes to interrupting in Mythic+ and is invaluable for high-end play where missed interrupts are not an option. It requires that you have the following pets: Scorpid Crane Spider Moth The macro casts the pet’s special ability based on what pet you have out. We will also cover the best PvP addons for Windwalker Monks, and for PvP in general. This one button macro used to send my pet to attack my target and if I pressed it again, it would recall my pet to my side. #showtooltip /cast [target=mouseover] Spell Name. By PHPROmega, August 15, 2018 in Hunter. Please be careful not to double-post macros, to keep the thread clear as possibleHi Guys, there i have a few helpful Macros.1. The following are the best pet attack macros for each class of hunter. It never reaches my tar... Pet Attack/Pet Follow Macro. However, weapon slot choice is determined by delay (i.e. Focus Pummel (usual focus macro doesn't seem to work; bugs auto-attack) #showtooltip Pummel(Rank 2) /cast Berserker Stance /target focus /cast Pummel(Rank 2) /targetlasttarget Shield Bash #showtooltip Shield Bash(Rank 4) /cast Battle Stance /equip Brutal Gladiator's Pummeler /equip Brutal Gladiator's Shield Wall /cast Shield Bash(Rank 4) Focus Intercept (usual focus macro doesn't seem to … IT'S IMPORTANT FOR BM HUNTERS TO USE THIS MACRO FOR EVERY OFFENSIVE SPELL.

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