tarot style playing cards

So taking the Ace of Hearts as an example, it could mean that a new friendship doesn't get going properly, or that the 'friend' isn't really a friend, or the new romance is dead in the water. The Art Nouveau Oracle is illustrated in a romantic, watercolour art nouveau style, and is very similar visually to the Tarot Art Nouveau. In the late 18th century, some tarot decks began to be used for divination via tarot card reading and cartomancy leading to custom decks developed for such occult purposes. Do the colors have any significance? Looking for an answer to why she didn't love me. For example, the Nine of Hearts often represents emotional fulfilment, but the Nine of Spades is the opposite, indicating thoughts of despair and unworthiness. Sometimes you will get different readings, depending on the energy and other things going on with you. Answer: The Six of Diamonds is connected to the Six of Pentacles in the tarot. Bev G (author) from Wales, UK on February 18, 2019: Sorry, Dawn, I don't know of any. You can use the same spreads for playing cards as you do for tarot, or you might want to use something different. They do so much that its just not a coincidence. Many will devise their own spreads. – Rob Brezsny’s Astrology. It consists of 78 cards divided into two groups: the major arcana, which has 22 cards, also known as trumps, and the minor arcana, which has 56 cards. After centuries, the practice of using playing cards for tarot reading has been reintroduced. Interesting that I tried reading a few people and it works. Question: How do I set up the tarot cards? However, today many soothsayers practice tarot-reading using playing cards and have amassed several loyal followers. That's why I encourage people to expand on the ideas I've put forward. This voice in my head that ive heard since i was teen (im 35 now) told me to "learn how to read". Copyright © Astrology Bay & Buzzle.com, Inc. Answer: Sure, have a guess. Answer: It could mean there's a gift or promotion on the way. This card presides over the life of the seeker.5 – Number 5 indicates indecisiveness of the seeker. A recurring dream ive had of my first love. You really don't know how it can affect sensitive or anxious folk. Cause I did not. Question: How do you lay the cards out when reading tarot with playing cards? Nothing made sense. Everyone is different and there is no wrong tarot deck to use. Others, like me, prefer the casino-style shuffle, where you cut them in half, place them face-down, and flick them so they 'mesh.' It's possible to mark them but there's no point really. Use just three cards for a simple reading. If your situation is more complex, then you need to think about a spread: https://exemplore.com/fortune-divination/Playing-C... For example, for a love reading, you might draw two cards to represent two people's point of view. thanks for writing such a good guide to tarot card reading! In due course, many soothsayers preferred using common playing cards for predicting the destiny of the seekers. Most free tarot readings are donein a three-card spread. Also sometimes I feel like I can't do a reading for a certain person or at a certain time. What a waste of time and boring at that,,am i missing something. Bev G (author) from Wales, UK on May 01, 2018: Hi Ella, no. Thirdly, none of the cards are negative or positive, however the conclusion must be drawn from the entirety of the cards in relation to the question you asked. Question: I've starting tarot reading at a young age. She can also sense the emotional state of another person. In case the card is read with other favorable cards, the outcome is likely to be positive or vice versa.7 – Number 7 indicates betrayal and disappointment. Bev G (author) from Wales, UK on July 02, 2019: In traditional decks, hearts and diamonds are always red; clubs and spades are always black. Remember that each attribute has a positive and negative aspect. Without knowing the question/situation I can't tell you anymore. Leave the playing cards behind and focus on tarot. He has to juggle his resources, but working with others is helping him. The Rider Tarot Deck. These cookies do not store any personal information. Thank you! It used a very powerful and painful memory of my first love to point me in the right direction. It's possible to learn by just looking at images on the internet but you wouldn't be able to do readings. For example, fours mean stability but they can also mean feeling stuck. Yesterday I was looking ur page and get eager to learn n read tarot so I start practicing with my brother card which I get it at home. However, it probably means the relationship is coming to a natural end. Jacks are equivalent to Knights and Pages in tarot. These aren’t the only times though, I think I’ve gotten it close to 75% of the Times I do readings about her. My late, uncle read playing cards for fun but he was very insightful and accurate. For instance, in tarot, there are lots of cards connected to pregnancy and children: The Empress, Six of Cups (Six of Hearts), and Page of Cups. We will get to the number properties in the next section. Should interpret this as the card picked me rather than the other way around? First, this is wonderful. It's not face-up or face-down, by the way. The suits that you see on the playing cards are used to represent the suits that you use for tarot cards. LT's World Famous Universal 6 Card Spread 6 cards from the Major Arcana This is a good reading to simply 'get a snapshot' of how things are with you generally, at this moment in time. Answer: Some readers do say that court cards can represent either sex. Bev G (author) from Wales, UK on January 08, 2018: Firstly, Wendy, I would make sure the cards are shuffled properly. In case negative cards are chosen with this card, the seeker will attain success after much toil. is there a more in-depth description of the card that will help me get a grip on why i have been pulling it out every day? You can 'verify' by reading up on the structure of tarot and how it works. Often you won't understand their significance and that's okay. See how it goes for you... if you feel strongly that they should be different than these, then change them. I didnt understand what the voice meant. This is also a warning card that rules the mind.2 – The number 2 card represents success. If the seeker is male, then the queen might represent his lover.Jack – Jack of Clubs represents a good friend who has the ability to cheer up the inquirer during bad times. Spades—like swords in a tarot deck—are connected to all aspects of thinking and communicating. Remember that the meanings I give in the article are just the tip of the iceberg, you can expand on them as you like, and according to the question and circumstances. I asked the cards if I will become a Flight Attendant again. I feel the same - as though I'm just scratching the surface :). I started this journey in February of this year. Bev G (author) from Wales, UK on April 01, 2020: Hi Justina, I love the Celtic Cross too, but I probably wouldn't use it with playing cards as it just too complex (I like to see the pictures). Maybe you could point me to some good resources? In a reading you would combine the above with the qualities of the suit. Answer: It depends on your question and the spread you decided to use, A question that requires a yes/no answer would only require one card. Thank you! This practice protected the readers from being branded as witches or wizards, and allowed them to lead normal lives. I have only found that to be the case in the Jacks (Pages and Knights in tarot). Often a combination of cards might hint at a baby or new family member: Ace of Cups and Ace of Wands, or Ace of Cups and Ten of Cups/Ten of Pentacles (Diamonds). So the Jack of Hearts could be a new love interest or represent a current relationship, depending on the context. Learn the cards first and then you can change things up to suit your style of reading. Another I just Did wan a one card spread and I asked if she liked me. Thoughtco. So i dabbled with it and was completely astounded to find that i had made very accurate predictions for my best friend. I then cut them with my left (receptive) hand and swap the two parts over. A gifted and accurate reader needs intuition and well-practiced skills to deliver a valuable and useful reading. Question: I want to understand the Queen of Diamonds because I see it a lot in readings. The Joker can be used to represent the Fool (this one from the 1909 Rider-Waite deck). Answer: That depends on your question. Playing cards inspired by the Tarot. Question: What is the best way to lay out a simple spread for a beginner? It would be impossible to cover the whole range of possible interpretations in a single article. Playing cards don't have reversals like tarot, because they are a mirror image whichever way you look at them. 6 – Early and unhappy marriage is indicated by card number 6.5 – Harbinger of prosperity and success. I can't interpret your cards because I have no idea what the question is, or what your circumstances are. Would you like to write for us? Bev G (author) from Wales, UK on July 11, 2018: Thanks for the detailed post! "8 of Hearts: Emotional detachment, leaving love behind, making a hard choice". With time, the cards that held spiritual symbols and mythical creatures, became the tools for fortune-telling and a part of certain occults. Answer: No, it's one of those myths that have no factual basis. Major Arcana? Tarot was never meant to align with astrology anyway. I get thrown off by the colors — red fiery diamonds always make me think of wands, and black earthy “clovers” make me think of pentacles. 10 – This card indicates monetary benefits for the seeker.9 – Number 9 is known as the card of adventure and hope. Question: Can playing cards read as tarot give answers/interpretations that are more in-depth than those described in this article? I've never used Runes although I do have a set. Bev G (author) from Wales, UK on February 02, 2018: I would suggest that you forget that reading and simply draw one card to answer your question. For example, if I get a 3 of Spades, I’d think that they were easily misunderstood, or they misunderstand themselves. The Major Arcana, also known as the trump cards, are 22 picture cards that have archetypal and allegorical meanings and divine Egyptian, kabbalistic, and/or Jungian interpretations. 59 $13.19 $13.19. Diamonds = Pentacles, Coins, or Discs = Practicalities, material world. I hope you can help me understand, thanks. If you are already married, it might indicate the possibility of separation or a second marriage.2 – This card indicates bad luck and opposition from family and friends. If they are any different to that, then they are novelty decks that I wouldn't recommend reading with. In the terms of restoration of justice, or regaining something previously lost. Question: How many tarot cards do you put down to read? I avoid interpreting other people's readings because they are essentially a snapshot of the energy around you at that point in time. Personally, I don't often include the signs as they apply to the cards in my readings. 10 – The 10 of Clubs is known as the harbinger of happiness and good fortune. That's the whole point of cartomancy to reflect what is happening in your life. Cards $19.76 $ 19. You may be able to glean some information from my article on tarot card combinations: http://tarot-study.info/tarot-card-combinations/. for people who are interested in such stuff now have an easier way of learning and practicing. This site is so insightful and I've been doing tarot cards for 18 plus years! But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Arcana Playing cards blend the traditions of standard playing cards with the secrets of the Tarot. That's your job :). 90 But so far its been hard. Question: Can you have a similar bond with playing cards as with a tarot deck? They have to balance the question with the circumstances, the seeker (the person asking the question) and the cards themselves. 8 – Represents an urgent need for cash which is likely to occur in the near future.7 – Number 7 is known as a lucky card if other good cards surround it.6 – This card represents success in partnership ventures. These qualities will obviously be missing when reading with playing cards, but you can still gain some insight. Sometimes, it merely indicates a weakened version of the upright card. I really appreciate your advice. I was the one that left her. Answer: Yes the cards can tell you. It was a gypsy method of only the 9's up through to the Aces. On a side note thank you very much for this article, I love it so much. I simply applied my knowledge of tarot in order to develop this system. whispers by your inner being/intuition. A more complex situation will need more cards. 8 – Indicates travel and marriage in the future.7 – Card number 7 indicates ill-luck in the near future. This article is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge. Bev G (author) from Wales, UK on June 24, 2019: What is more important is what it means to you, Nikki. the Seven of Swords. Given below are the symbols of playing cards that correspond with tarots. Question: Is it okay to write on the playing card deck so you remember which card is which? They have turned up at the most perfect moments to punctuate my unfolding story (awareness) into little chapters. Please note: the Question & Answer section below is for queries about how to learn to read the cards. Question: When reading tarot cards, what do the 10 diamonds mean if in reverse? Focus on your question as you shuffle the tarot cards – choose the shuffling method that works best for you; Place the cards on the table and be open to the unexpected ; Use a tarot deck of your choice. It's all in there, and if my intuition whispers that the card's negative aspects are more suited to the interpretation, then that's what I go with. many correspond to those you have here. In other words, she's empathic. Many professional cartomancers use a regular deck of playing cards for divination. It's a little bit harder to read playing cards since apart from the court (royal figures) cards, there are no images to guide you. Some even spoke of Happiness or a growing bond. Question: If someone were to do a tarot reading, will it come true? Answer: Use one deck otherwise you will get confused. For beginners, a simple place to start when using playing cards as tarot is to use a four-card spread. Question: What does it mean when the cards read 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8? Answer: It means that the authoritative energy of those cards is strong, so you could be right about the police. The playing card insets are also from a well-used set from the late 19th century. If you read through that article (and this one) thoroughly, you should gain a good understanding to be able to do your own readings. I gave up. There are 52 cards in a standard playing card deck, plus a Joker, so if you don't have a tarot deck, you'll be playing without the knights and most of the Major Arcana. Also remember that if you feel yucky after a reading, try washing your hands in cold water and shake them outside. Remember that they are only pieces of card with printed images on them. I do that a few times until they feel ready. I didn’t realize how much I would miss being able to turn to the tarot deck as a starting point for self-reflection and context. One other noteworthy point is that the two feminine suits, Hearts and Diamonds get more positive after the five, but the masculine suits of Clubs and Spades go into decline and veer towards the negative. But, yes, you are missing something. There are some tarot spreads that use the whole deck. Learning to read the tarot can seem both prescribed and confusing when you are starting out. Turn as many cards as you want and interpret them. Nine of Diamonds is self-sufficiency and independence, whereas the Nine of Clubs is exhaustion and the need to rest. However, the seeker will find success after lots of hard work. Clubs = Wands, Hearts = Cups, Diamonds = Coins, and Spades = Swords. Queen – The queen of Spades indicates a wicked and cruel woman who is likely to betray the seeker.Jack – The Jack of Spades represents a lazy person who is likely to hamper the progress of the seeker. Question: My two daughters and I shuffled a deck of cards and we all picked the Queen of Hearts. Bev G (author) from Wales, UK on August 13, 2018: I have really enjoyed reading your pages I found it very easy to comprehend for me that's a 1st ha ha,keep up the good work many thanks . Given below are the symbols of playing cards that correspond with tarots. He uses the Robin Wood deck which is based on the Rider-Waite, but with useful extra symbolism (best Devil card ever). I have always used celtic cross way of reading playing cards and it is great. So When applying the qualities of the number to the suit of Cups, you get this 'emotional letting go'. 3 – Card signifies a broken engagement and marriage. Answer: Usually, there are no reversed (upside-down) playing cards as they are the same from both ends. Bev G (author) from Wales, UK on January 15, 2019: Sorry Melat, I don't interpret other people's cards in that way. But the dream i had a few nights ago was different. It is very important that you pick your cards in sets of 1-3-6-9-12 and so on and so forth. Ace – The ace of Diamond indicates an important information awaiting the seeker. Thank you from southern NJ, USA. It's not set in stone, and it's all about what works for you. The Expansion Cards contain light and dark versions of Tarot's Major Arcana (see note below) and are intended to be added to light and dark Arcana Playing Cards (they aren't full tarot sets unto themselves). Diamonds deal with issues regarding a venture or a business. Answer: I'm not sure if I've understood your question but I'll try to answer it. Every method was the same yet with subtle differences. Content is for informational or entertainment purposes only and does not substitute for personal counsel or professional advice in business, financial, legal, or technical matters. $11.59 $ 11. But once again all i found were contradictory definitions. There are also 22 "trump" cards in the Major Arcana. What does drawing the Joker mean in tarot? So I always see tarot readers figure out zodiac signs/zodiac elements in readings. Answer: That depends if the person doing the reading is able to interpret the cards accurately. It's the deck that most readers, I would guess, carry in their heads. If you think about the Joker as meaning stepping off a cliff, taking a risk, trusting that all is well, you can determine whether it is positive or negative. 10 – This card brings good luck and has the ability to reduce the negativity of the bad cards around it.9 – Number 9 is also known as the “Wish Card”. Check out our tarot playing card selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our card games shops. It represents the nature of the seeker, who is being too picky or cautious.3 – Number 3 represents the decisions that are likely to be made in haste. for the last week, I have pulled the same card, the ace of hearts. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. It represents the material world and practical things.Clubs: This corresponds to wands. Question: How do I cleanse tarot cards to rid them of negative energy? Have a wonderful time this Christmas, and a healthy and prosperous New Year. Oracle? This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. But when I found this article, I was very happy! To do a reading, simply shuffle and cut in your usual method, and deal the spread of your choice. Bev G (author) from Wales, UK on January 12, 2018: Have you tried to work out what they mean, Kayla? The seeker should keep him at a distance. Question: I drew three eights in a row, would this have any particular meaning? If you want a simple yes/no answer, then it's best to stick with one. The Queen of Hearts feels her way through life and has a well developed intuition. You must never be afraid to let your own life experiences inform your readings. But i always wake up in tears. Can you list them off? Left my love behind. Thank you for providing this resource. ... now I’m copying your table in my journal for reference. Do you have a view on this? Most are in the same order or reverse order. I loved this article, thank you! They are separate systems that have been shoehorned together - it's a bit clumsy, I think. He too used to 'find' cards. Thank you for putting together this wonderful resource! Hearts (Cups) … All four suits of jack flipped out one after the other when shuffling . Vintage Indian Tarot playing cards fridge magnets set of 8 retro thin decorative tarot card magnets No.3 BvdBDesign. I can't list out all the cards/zodiac signs, sorry (there's 52 of them). Above: Tarot de Marseille by Jean-Baptiste Madenié, Dijon, early 18th century. Answer: There is no one way to shuffle tarot cards. I never knew we could use playing cards as a substitute to tarot. It wouldn't even have to be the same cards. I was under the understanding that for every negative correspondence there is a positive. which is kinda creepy considering how much I shuffled the deck daily. As the cards look the same, whichever way they face, it's not applicable. Bev G (author) from Wales, UK on June 11, 2019: If you scroll through the comments, you'll see a link to some suggested spreads. However, if you mean can you read the cards to predict the future,then yes, it's possible by interpreting the cards in conjunction with the present circumstances. If you want a yes/no answer, then one will do. It can mean that love has flowed away, or that a new attraction is not quite so strong as it first appeared. The traditional meaning is theft, or retrieving something that was taken from you. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. If you are doing a complex reading, then use as many as you need to. Bev G (author) from Wales, UK on March 07, 2019: That's because it depends on what the reader wants. Hearts=cups is the only one I don’t second-guess myself on! I just began using a regular deck of cards for tarot I'm new to this but have had insight of others and many spiritul incidences all my life.my question is when i do a 3 card reading. Question: Should I use one or two decks of playing cards? I was thinking about getting my own deck but never had the time to do so. "Learn to read" the cards. Paul from California on September 29, 2018: I'm Paul. You see money going back n forth,,really ? There are 56 suit cards in the Minor Arcana: Ace (one) through 10 and four face cards. Shaloo Walia from India on November 06, 2018: This is interesting. That being said, ive done several practice readings for myself and I was just wondering, If Ive drawn a card, lets say a seven of spades, The listed correspondence seems a bit negative (Mystery or overly concerned with Superficialities). What was your instinctive reaction to seeing them? It's not for requesting free readings, or for me to interpret your cards for you. Thats when i realized what the Voice meant. As you probably guessed, hearts correspond with cups in a tarot deck and represent the realms of emotions and feelings. Least Compatible Zodiac Signs For Your Sign You Should Absolutely Stay Away From, If You’re Not Dating These Zodiac Signs, You’re in For Heartbreak – Your Guide to Zodiac Compatibility, May 7th Full Supermoon Moon To Bring Positive Change And Deep Healing, The Secret Tarot – Renaissance Symbols of Science, Magic & Myth. What does this mean? Have a drink of water too. All the information to interpret it yourself is given in the article. Answer: If you are certain the deck was well-shuffled, then a multiple of the same numbered card means the energy of that number is intensified. Question: I am trying to get a feel for a person. Have a look at this page. I really like your interpretations of cartomancy and the article about it. She and i were together for only 2 years. Graham. Like common playing cards, the tarot has four suits which vary by region: French suits in Northern Europe, Latin The King of Hearts has a more pragmatic view of emotions and is often a reliable advisor and counselor. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. I am looking forward to what I can learn and I'm thank you all for accepting me and please have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New year. I would really find a personal 1:1 advice helpful. My advice is to stop trying to absorb too much from a wide range of resources and just stick to one for the time being. Read for friends by all means but emphasize that it is for fun and practice. Would that be possible to arrange? Clubs = Wands, Rods, Batons, or Staves = Creativity, action. Minor Arcana? How she feels and 3. Ive become so confused because ive read book after book and looked at website after website and have found that there is no "one true way" to learn how to read cards. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. Ive been on a quest to become a Cartomancer. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Generally, the positions are limited, but you place multiple cards upon them. So the Jack of Hearts would be an adventurer and explorer of love and emotions. I made a hard choice. 18 Mar 2019 - Explore mr_chadwick's board "Design: Tarot & Playing Cards", which is followed by 281 people on Pinterest. I shuffel again after the reading to see if the same cards come up. It is a powerful card. Question: The total number of playing cards is 52 (no joker), but the minor tarots are 56. so what about the four Pages? Question: How many playing cards should I draw for a good answer? There are lots of suggestions about how many cards to use: https://exemplore.com/fortune-divination/Playing-C... Bev G (author) from Wales, UK on July 15, 2020: https://discover.hubpages.com/religion-philosophy/... Ive never gotten a reading like this and not sure how to answer A ♠3♠ 10 ♠2♠Q♠. Yesterday, it was a pristine King of Hearts. Bev G (author) from Wales, UK on September 09, 2018: Sure, John, just look up the Ace of Cups on a search engine. Bev G (author) from Wales, UK on December 19, 2019: Sorry Angelica, that's not how it works. With good cards the outcome with the joker shall be favorable or vice versa. I really liked the information here. I have received the 8 of heart two days in a row now. Bev G (author) from Wales, UK on October 12, 2018: It's true, anyone can read the cards. I like this site for a deeper explanation of numerology: https://www.numerology.com/numerology-numbers/8. We now have two points of reference for each playing card: its suit and its number. Question: When using playing cards to read tarot, how many cards do I have to choose to read? Bev G (author) from Wales, UK on December 22, 2019: You too, Candy. There may be pain, but a difficult road must be taken. Bev G (author) from Wales, UK on February 09, 2020: Hi Willow, it is general numerology knowledge - widely available. I read that you based these meanings on traditional meanings. I even memorized the major arcana cards. Also keep in mind that these interpretations are necessarily brief, and you can extend them to encompass related concepts. I really do respect. On left: 1909 card from Rider-Waite deck via Wikimedia Commons; on right, commissioned image. People say I've been able to read their past, present, and future (they come back and tell me it came true). This deck is rare or out of print and isn't easily available. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Just work out which tarot card is the equivalent and do a search on it. Do you think this means anything, or am I just making it up in my head. This post and your vast knowledge of information; although, I am a little confused about where you're getting your numerology calculations from. I've always loved the artwork in Tarot decks, but thought the meanings were to complicated to master...until now. 4 – Card number 4 indicates unwanted and unnecessary troubles between the seeker and his family members.3 – Indicates troubles such as lawsuits and legal actions in the coming future. However, my feeling is that the cards are telling you to focus on other things, such as a career, or some sort of project. They usually employ a Roman numeral (from 0 to 21) to visually separate them from the Minor Arcana. The Ten of Clubs doesn't mean your boyfriend is cheating. Of course, if you want to purchase a full in-depth tarot reading, head over to my site :D, im new starting over with the playing card been a longtime ... it regarding my friendship with a close male friend 6-diamonds,6of hearts, 5 of clubs 4 of diamonds ace of diamonds 8 of clubs ace of spades king of dimonds 9of clubs Q of spades 9 of diamonds A of hearts 2 of diamonds. Question: Do I need to bless my playing cards before using them for tarot readings? How I deal with it is to explain to the person that I'm having trouble connecting the card to their question. Before you do a reading, it's important to remember that someone might be upset by a disturbing one, so always keep your interpretations upbeat and emphasize that it's just for fun. Regular decks have been used for this purpose since their original adaptation from the tarot type decks of before. It feels like fate in the making. And that's because there is so much written material for that deck. Hearts – Represent the cups of tarot cards. It also means giving and receiving help and support.

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