uncertainty reduction theory quizlet

The main assumption is that uncertainty creates cognitive discomfort, which people will try to reduce. Each category includes interactional behaviors which serve as indicators of liking and disliking. Other strategies people use to reduce the uncertainty, besides the 7 communication variables. This gives you a feeling of uncertaint… According to attraction theory, there are three main types of attraction. Test yourself with questions on things like who created the uncertainty reduction theory and what the theory … The theory is concerned with how people communicate and how knowledge is shared and understood. You can remember the three types if you think of the first letter of each word in the phrase, P refer S unny T rees. Uncertainty reduction theory. Services include measurement consulting, data analysis, uncertainty budgets, and control charts. 2. When people meet, their primary concern is to reduce uncertainty about each other and their relationship. -, The prediction that when people are thwarted in their attempts to achieve goals, their first tendency is to alter lower-level elements of their message. Conclusion Explain how it will help Describe the next steps Refer back to the pros and cons Describe the desired state Axiom A self-evident truth that requires no additional proof. The quiz and worksheet will assess your knowledge of uncertainty reduction. The uncertainty reduction theory was developed by Charles 'Chuck' Berger. Shared Networks Liking How problems can be resolved Verbal Communication Similarity Show … When people meet, their primary concern is to reduce uncertainty about each other and their relationship. The entry stage of relational development is characterized by the use of behavioral norms. It states that people need to reduce uncertainty about other individuals by gaining information about them. Concerning the matter, many may opt to communicate using signs due to the urgency of the message. Uncertainty Reduction Theory rests on several basic assumptions. Uncertainty reduction occurs primarily by questioning new acquaintances in an attempt to gather information about them. Course:Introduction to Communication Theory (SCOM 240) Get the App. B. Other assumptions related to this theory are: 1. Scholars & Readings in Uncertainty Reduction Theory. Information gained can then be used to predict the others' behavior. - Passive. Create your own flashcards or choose from millions created by other students. The uncertainty reduction theory, also known as initial interaction theory, developed in 1975 by Charles Berger and Richard Calabrese, is a communication theory from the post-positivist tradition. Information seeking and reciprocity are positively correlated with uncertainty. The definition Charley Berger and Richard Calabrese created the Uncertainty Reduction Theory in 1975 in an attempt to describe the communication process when people meet for the first time. As verbal output, nonverbal warmth, self-disclosure, similarity, and shared communication networks increase uncertainty decreases—and vice versa. Implicit Personality theory: A construct is a bipolar quality that we use to classify people. Uncertainty reduction theory is based on the central assumption that the primary concern of strangers upon initial interaction is to reduce uncertainty and increase predictability. A model of uncertainty reduction theory was tested that was derived from Berger and Calabrese's (1975) theory of initial interactions and recent extensions of the theory (e.g., Berger, 1979; Berger & Bradac, 1982) across three relationships (acquaintances, friends, and dates) in three cultures: Japan, Korea, and the United States. Start studying Uncertainty reduction theory. Uncertainty reduction theory (URT) seeks to explain how people think and behave during the initial stages of relationship development. The uncertainty reduction theory was developed by Charles 'Chuck' Berger. According to the Uncertainty Reduction Theory, it is a typical human trait to doubt future actions of a person with one have just met. Reducing uncertainty is particularly important in relationship development, so it is typical to find more uncertainty reduction behavior among people when they expect or want … You know your friend spends a lot of time with her colleague, Deb, both at and outside of work. Developed by Charles Berger and colleagues, URT is one of the first theories to originate within the field of interpersonal communication, as opposed to being borrowed from another discipline. Uncertainty Reduction Theory (URT) is among the social and psychological theories that address how we get to understand other people. The contents of the exchanges are often demographic and transactional. Based on the idea of: new relationships cause high levels of uncertainty people communicate to reduce discomfort uncertainty is uncomfortable * Conditions * Types Behavioral uncertainty What Learn uncertainty reduction with free interactive flashcards. Uncertainty Reduction Theory (URT) is a theory from the field of interpersonal communication that seeks to explain how uncertainty, or lack of knowledge, drives interpersonal communication.This initial approach to uncertainty management theories "dramatically shaped scholars' understanding of the way people manage uncertainty," (Afifi, 2009, p. 2). Cultural Approach to Organizations. * 8 Axioms * Origin URT was created and developed by C.R. Uncertainty reduction theory explains both how interpersonal communication is affected by a lack of knowledge and how people use communication to gather information (→ Uncertainty and Communication). -. Information gained can then be used to predict the others' behavior. - Interactive. True: Uncertainty reduction theory is essentially a stereotype. Heider’s (1958) attribution theory discusses the human need to “make sense” out of one's surrounding environment, which is an assumption that Berger and Calabrese (1975… The theory hopes that we can predict and explain our interactions with others. The Uncertainty Reduction Theory asserts that people have a need to reduce uncertainty about others by gaining information about them. Within the initial entry stage of interpersonal interaction, an exchange of information regarding a person’s “sex, age, economic or social status, and other de… Initially introduced in 1975 by Charles R. Berger and Richard J. Calabrese, Uncertainty Reduction Theory offered a “theoretical perspective for dealing with the initial entry stage of interpersonal interaction” in which uncertainty is common, and suggested a set of “research priorities” for future scholars to further test the theory. Berger and Calabrese in 1975. The uncertainty reduction theory was first proposed by American communication theorists Charles Berger and Richard Calabrese in their 1975 paper “Some explorations in … Uncertainty can make people avoid a situation or behavior (aversive state) and cause cognitive stress. Uncertainty Reduction Theory Quizlet is the easiest way to study, practice and master what you’re learning. Uncertainty Reduction Theory in Health Communication Interpersonal communication comprises a basic element of healthcare service. Choose from 335 different sets of uncertainty reduction flashcards on Quizlet. Preview text Download Save. Strangers want to reduce uncertainty/increase predictability in initial in… This information can then be used to predict people’s behavior, or the outcome of starting a relationship with them. In most cases, people from dissimilar cultures find it hard to communicate and express personal ideas in a convincing manner. For example, your friend, Sam, invites you to join her and her co-workers for dinner. Uncertainty reduction: to predict and explain. More than 50 million students study for free with the Quizlet app each month. A systematic explanation of how people draw inferences about the character of others based on observed behavior. Impression formation by searching the Internet for information about a person. It reduces the uncertainty that surrounds a first time interaction and establishes a base for any future - See more at: Impression formation by asking a third party about a person - See more at: Impression formation through face-to-face discussion with a person. Th… A forecast of future benefits and costs of interaction based on limited experience with the other. -, Use of strategic ambiguity and humor to provide a way for both parties to save face when a message fails to achieve its goals. It occurs through the processes of symbolic interaction, social penetration, and uncertainty reduction between two or more individuals. URT is a seminal theory in the field of interpersonal communication for two reasons: It is one of the first frameworks to originate within the discipline, and it has spawned extensive ongoing scholarship on uncertainty within dyadic … Uncertainty reduction theory is based on the central assumption that the primary concern of strangers upon initial interaction is to reduce uncertainty and increase predictability. developed to explain & predict communication surrounding initial interactions, degree of uncertainty related to cognitions, degree of uncertainty related to behaviors, interpersonal communication development phases, the beginning stage of an interaction between strangers, the stage in a relationship when people begin to communicate more spontaneously and personally, the stage in a relationship when people decide whether to continue or leave, as verbal communication increases, uncertainty decreases, as uncertainty decreases, nonverbal affiliative expressiveness will increase, high uncertainty increases information seeking, low uncertainty decreases information seeing, low uncertainty in a relationship increases intimacy, high uncertainty creates high reciprocity, similarities between people reduce uncertainty, increases in uncertainty decreases liking, social network interaction is negatively related to uncertainty, as uncertainty decreases, communication satisfaction increases, communication that mirrors the previous communication behavior, reducing uncertainties by unobtrusive observation, reducing uncertainties by means other than direct contact, reducing uncertainties by engaging in conversation. Increased knowledge of what kind of person another is that provides an improved forecast of how a future interaction will turn out Impression formation by observing a person interact with others. The uncertainty reduction theory, also known as initial interaction theory, developed in 1975 by Charles Berger and Richard Calabrese, is a communication theory from the post-positivist tradition. The Uncertainty Reduction Theory asserts that people have a need to reduce uncertainty about others by gaining information about them. It is one of the only communication theories that specifically looks into the initial interaction between people prior to the actual communication process. A communication theorist who developed uncertainty reduction theory. It is one of the only communication theories that specifically looks into the initial interaction between people prior to the actual communication process. However, aspects of this theory are also seen in information theory and attribution theory (Knobloch, 2009). 1 Comment Marvin James. Common initial questions are: Where are you from? Occurs when a relational partner hinders goals, plans, and activities, negative emotions arising from perceived problems in a close relationship, communication scholars who have questioned the motivational assumption of bergers axiom 3 and the claim that motivation to search for information is increased by anticipation of future interaction incentive value, and deviance. It states that people need to reduce uncertainty about other individuals by gaining information about them. Uncertainty Reduction Theory By: Heather Tipton & Nikki Rice Uncertainty Reduction Theory Defined: This theory functions to help establish communication between strangers. Berger and Calabrese separate the initial interaction of strangers into 3 stages, the entry stage, the personal stage, and the exit stage. 4) Discuss how Social Penetration theory, uncertainty reduction, and existential theory is evident in the movie (look in the Baxter article). Uncertainty reduction theory focuses on how human communication is used to gain knowledge and create understanding. As verbal output, nonverbal warmth, self-disclosure, similarity, and shared communication networks increase uncertainty decreases—and vice versa. In the Social Penetration Theory, people must share some of themselves for a relationship to grow while keeping some of themselves separate or the relationship will deteriorate. The process of information seeking goes through predictable developme… Uncertainty reduction theory. Uncertainty Reduction Theory (URT) is among the social and psychological theories that address how we get to understand other people. Other assumptions related to this theory are: People feel uncertain in initial interpersonal communication. A communication scholar from the University of Iowa who proposed the theory of motivated information management. Uncertainty reduction theory (URT) seeks to explain how people think and behave during the initial stages of relationship development. II. 3. Talk:Uncertainty reduction theory - Wikipedia. More often than not, we like to plan for favorable circumstances because, well, it’s such a mood lifter. Uncertainty Reduction Theory Research Papers - Academia.edu. December 3, 2016 at 4:22 am I am not a communication student, but the article has switched on some insights within. Doubts about our own thoughts, the thoughts of the other person, or the future of the relationship. C. Any of three prior conditions—anticipation of future interaction, incentive value, or deviance—can boost our drive to reduce uncertainty. The theory hopes that we can predict and explain our interactions with others. He specializes in uncertainty analysis, industrial statistics, and process optimization. Check out. - Active. -, a communication scholar who developed the relational turbulence model. Assumptions of Uncertainty Reduction Theory. Uncertainty Reduction. ____ claims that a culture includes a number of social communities,and each one distinctively shapes the perceptions,identities,and opportunities of its members. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Information seeking and reciprocity are positively correlated with uncertainty. fritz heider came up with it, Increased knowledge of what kind of person another is that provides an improved forecast of how a future interaction will turn out, A self-evident truth that requires no additional proof - 2 axioms create on theorem, Communication researchers respectively, who have demonstrated that there is a relationship between shared communication networks and uncertainty reduction -, Mental representations of action sequences that may be used to achieve goals. LOVE OF Wisdom URT - Uncertainty Reduction Theory Symbiolic Conversion - Notes Group Decission making Cognitive DIsassociation Cultivation Theory - Notes. Anxiety/Uncertainty Management (AUM) Theory William Gudykunst, University of California, Fullerton Took URT into the context of intercultural settings (assumed at least one person is a stranger). Uncertainty reduction theory notes - Uncertainty Reduction ... Com 310 dq chapter 9 of your text discusses uncertainty ... Berger & Calabrese' Uncertainty Reduction Theory … The uncertainty reduction concept tries to increase an individual’s confidence and develop more interactive relationships. Uncertainty Reduction Theory has been used in recent years to study intercultural interaction, organizational socialization and interactions on social media. https://quizlet.com/20785745/chapter-9-uncertainty-reduction-theory-flash-cards People feel uncertain in initial interpersonal communication. The narrow scope of the theory and its axiomatic form are both advantageous and disadvantageous. Uncertainty reduction theory offers axioms and derived theorems that describe communicative and noncommunicative causes and consequences of uncertainty. -, A characteristic of message plan based on the level of detail it provides and the number of contingencies it covers. False: When Beth first met Katie at work, Katie was impatient, stressed, and irritable. Series of crises, undergo anxiety/uncertainty; hyperaware of differences, Richard is a systems engineer who has laboratory management and quality control experience in the Metrology industry. Or, Do you have any pets? Company. Start studying PSYCH 101 Learn smart chapter 8/9. A)Social exchange theory B)Uncertainty reduction theory C)Constructivism D)Attribution theory E)Standpoint theory Berger and Calabrese next concluded that if one meets a new person, both have many questions about each other. As the founder of attribution theory, this psychologist argued that we constantly draw inferences about why people do what they do. URT is a seminal theory in the field of interpersonal communication for two reasons: It is one of the first frameworks to originate within the discipline, and it has spawned extensive ongoing scholarship on uncertainty within dyadic domains. The reason why uncertainty hits us like a rock is that we don’t have a plan for it. Abstract. To that end, the following is a list of recent scholarship examining Uncertainty Reduction Theory. A communication scholar who believes that predicted outcome value more accurately explains communication in early encounters than does Berger's account of uncertainty reduction. For … (Socio-psychological tradition). The theory is concerned with how people communicate and how knowledge is shared and understood. Beth had a negative impression of Katie, and tried to avoid her. I can use the info to kick off engaging convos

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